Home / Metal News / Low-level restocking combined with pre-holiday stocking led to a significant drop in social inventory of tin ingots [SMM Analysis]

Low-level restocking combined with pre-holiday stocking led to a significant drop in social inventory of tin ingots [SMM Analysis]

iconSep 29, 2024 11:50
According to the SMM survey, this week, the SHFE tin market experienced a notable jump initially and then pull back.

According to the SMM survey, this week, the SHFE tin market experienced a notable jump initially and then pull back. Prices started at 258,000 yuan/mt at the beginning of the week, rose slightly to reach a weekly high of 263,000 yuan/mt during the Tuesday night session, and then continued to fall, hitting a low of 253,000 yuan/mt, with a slight rebound by Friday. In the spot market, as the National Day holiday approaches, most downstream and end-user companies had stocking needs, but the high prices at the beginning of the week suppressed market activity. As SHFE tin prices continued to decline mid-week, downstream and end-user companies were motivated to restock and prepare for the holiday, creating a very active trading atmosphere in the spot market, with some trading companies nearly clearing their inventories. Overall, the spot market was active this week, with downstream companies actively purchasing.

Market review

For queries, please contact William Gu at williamgu@smm.cn

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